Our pre-marriage activities are for those couples who wish to get married in Catholic churches. You can have a certificate after you complete the courses.


Choose one service only:
 Catholic Pre-marriage Course (Workshpo) (Cantonese only)
 Catholic Pre-marriage Course + FOCCUS (Combo) (Cantonese only)
 Foccus / ReFoccus Marriage Preparation Service (Chinese or English)


Catholic Pre-marriage Course (Workshop) (Cantonese only)

Format: Discussion, Game, Marriage experience sharing, Talk
Content: Catholic Marriage Views, Communication, Personality match, Sexual and Intimate, Natural Family Planning
Fee: $1,200 for each couple (Workshop)
Time: First Day 2pm - 7pm; Next Day 10am - 6pm
          (The workshop time is for reference only, adjusted due to the arrangment of the venue)

Poster: Please click here

Number Date Location Format
If necessary, please refer to the Traditional Chinese version page
  • Couples in which one or both of them are Catholic are welcome to join.

  • Fees are not refundable, except for course cancellation, rescheduling, full booking or not being admitted.

  • Participants must attend the two-day course in person and the registration cannot be transferred to other people. Those who are absent will be regarded as giving up the places.

  • Switch of dates is not allowed. (For special requests due to personal circumstances, an administration fee of HK$200 will be charged.)

  • We reserve the right to make changes to the course dates and locations. In these cases, we will notify the participants separately.

  • Confirmation of the enrolment will be sent out by email within 3-5 working days. Course details will be sent out one week before the course.

  • We reserve the right to cancel a certain course with low enrolment. Affected participants can choose to join another course without additional charges.

  • If Typhoon Signal No.8 or above / the Red Rainstorm Warning Signal / the Black Rainstorm Warning Signal is issued 3 hours before the session, the course on that day will be cancelled and there will be substitution for the course or details of refund.

  • Couples are recommended to submit their application at least 6 months before the wedding date.

  • Couples with financial difficulties can apply for fee reduction/ exemption. The result is subject to the decision of HKCMAC.

  • We are unable to process your application until we have received BOTH the application form and proof of payment.

  • A certificate will be issued after completion of the course.

  • We do NOT reserve seats without a completed application that is paid in full.

  • We reserve the right for the final decision.

Catholic Pre-marriage Course + FOCCUS (Combo) (Cantonese only)

Format: Two days interviews; Total of two sessions, 1.5 to 2 hours per session (Time arranged by facilitator)
Fee: $1,700 or $2,500 / for each couple (During office hours, the fee for individual interviews in the next 2 sessions is $1,700; while the fee is $2,500 during non-office hours.)

FOCCUS Marriage Preparation Service (Can be conducted in Chinese or English)

Registration: Please click here


Payment method
  • Please send the application from and a cheque payable to "The Hong Kong Catholic Marriage Advisory Council" to the following address: Marriage and Family Enrichment Centre
    The Hong Kong Catholic Marriage Advisory Council
    Room 883, 8/F, Block 2, Catholic Diocese Centre,
    16 Caine Road, Hong Kong

  • Deposit the fee to HSBC Account 002-220093-003, send the application form and pay-in-slip by

  • Registration cannot be transferred to other people. The enrolled couple should come together.

  • Couples in which one or both of them are Catholic are welcome to join.

  • Couples are recommended to submit their application at least 6 months before the wedding date.
  • Fees are not refundable.

  • Confirmation of the enrolment will be sent out by email within 3-5 working days.

  • Participants shall notify the change of appointment 24 hours in advance, otherwise the centre will charge $200 as administration fee.

  • The service will be completed within 6 months starting from the first session.

  • Couples with financial difficulties can apply for fee reduction/ exemption. The result is subject to the decision of HKCMAC.

  • If Typhoon Signal No.8 or above / the Red Rainstorm Warning Signal / the Black Rainstorm Warning Signal is issued 3 hours before the session, the course on that day will be cancelled and there will be substitution for the course or details of refund.

  • We are unable to process your application until we have received BOTH the application form and proof of payment.

  • We do NOT reserve seats without a completed application that is paid in full.

  • We reserve the right for the final decision.

Contact Us

Marriage and Family Enrichment Centre
Address:Room 883, 8/F Block Two, Catholic Diocese Centre, 16 Caine Road Hong Kong
Tel:2523 3682
Fax:2523 3121
Email:[email protected]



Office Hours

Monday - Friday: 9am to 1pm, 2pm to 5pm
Saturday: 9am to 12pm
Sundays and public holidays: Closed